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Atmo Technology Joins The Rail Innovation Group: Listen to the Podcast Now

Atmo Technology is delighted to announce its membership of The Rail Innovation Group (RIG), marking a milestone in Atmo’s mission to revolutionise the rail industry through innovative environmental solutions. This partnership aims to drive forward the adoption of sustainable practices and cutting-edge technology within the rail sector. To launch this partnership, Atmo and RIG have collaborated on a podcast episode.

A train pulling into Salisbury depot on a sunny day with blue sky

About The Rail Innovation Group

The Rail Innovation Group is ‘an independent not-for-profit community with a mission to promote the adoption of new ideas & tech for the benefit of the passenger & their journey experience’. The group unites forward-thinking organisations and individuals committed to technological advancements and sustainable practices. By facilitating collaborations, RIG strives to improve the efficiency, safety, and environmental impact of rail transport.

Atmo Technology: Pioneering Environmental Innovation in Rail

Atmo stands at the forefront of innovation in the rail sector, offering environmental expertise in three key areas:

  • Noise Monitoring: Advanced noise monitoring solutions to help rail operators minimise noise pollution, enhancing the quality of life for staff and communities near rail lines.

  • Air Quality Monitoring: State-of-the-art air quality monitoring providing real-time data, enabling rail companies to reduce harmful emissions and comply with environmental regulations.

  • Solar & Renewable Energy Solutions: Understand where businesses can get the best bang for their buck with solar and renewable energy installations across the portfolio of sites. Optimisation algorithms which minimise carbon footprints and increase ROI. 

Guy Barkley, CEO and Founder of Atmo Technology, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership:

“Joining The Rail Innovation Group is an exciting step for Atmo. Our commitment to sustainability and innovation aligns perfectly with RIG's mission. Together, we can make significant strides towards a more efficient and environmentally friendly rail industry.”

Atmo and Rail Innovation Group podcast cover photo featuring headshots of Liam, Johannah and Guy

Listen to Atmo’s Podcast with RIG

To celebrate this new partnership, Atmo and RIG have collaborated on a podcast discussing Atmo’s environmental capabilities and the impact they aim to achieve in the rail industry. This podcast, hosted by RIG leaders Liam Henderson and Johannah Randall, delves into the innovative solutions Atmo offers and their contribution to a sustainable future for rail transport.

Listen to the podcast here: 

Liam Henderson, Chair of The Rail Innovation Group, shared his thoughts on the collaboration:

“We are thrilled to welcome Atmo Technology to The Rail Innovation Group. Atmo's pioneering work in noise and air quality monitoring, along with their solar energy solutions, represents the kind of forward-thinking innovation that RIG champions. We look forward to working together to drive sustainable progress in the rail industry.”

Looking Ahead

This collaboration between Atmo and The Rail Innovation Group opens new avenues for growth and innovation. Together, they will work towards creating a more efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly rail industry. Stay tuned for more updates as this exciting journey unfolds.

For more information about Atmo’s innovative solutions, follow the company on LinkedIn or sign up to the newsletter. 


Atmo logo in blue gradient

About Atmo Technology

Atmo is a Bristol-based asset and environmental data company which provides innovative solutions to address today’s challenges in these spaces across the rail industry and beyond.

Atmo’s mission is to help industries embrace sustainability practices and achieve their green goals, while driving operational efficiency and cost savings across sites.

From optimising assets to increase ROI to visualising site's emissions sources, Atmo provides tools and insights to drive sustainability and efficiency across operations.

The Rail Innovation Group logo

About The Rail Innovation Group

The Rail Innovation Group is an independent not-for-profit community dedicated to advancing the rail industry through technology and sustainable practices. They support collaboration and knowledge sharing to drive progress and improve the overall efficiency and environmental impact of rail transport. 

The Group has 3 roles:

  1. Providing a neutral space for cross industry collaboration - Meet Ups.

  2. Helping rail adapt & prepare for future mobility services - Recognised Innovation Scheme.

  3. Finding & promoting new types of suppliers - Start Up Rail programme.


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